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Advanced Nanotube Application and Manufacturing Initiative (ANAM)



Michael De Volder is a Lecturer in the Institute of Manufacturing at the University of Cambridge. He studied nanoparticle synthesis and assembly in some of the world leading groups at MIT, University of Michigan and Harvard, and he now leads the NanoManufacturing group in the department of Engineering at the University of Cambridge.  He also worked for several years at IMEC, an industry funded microelectronics research institute before becoming a Lecturer. His current research interests include hierarchical assembly of nanoparticles and scale-up of their manufacturing process.  He is recipient of an EPSRC starting grant in the field.


The Nanomanufacturing group focusses on the development of scalable processes to arrange nanoparticles such as carbon nanotubes and graphene into well-defined superstructures. These may find application in sensors, electronics, catalysis, energy storage, water purification, and smart materials.

Lecturer in NanoManufacturing and Engineering Design
Engineering Department - Institute for Manufacturing
Dr Michael F. L.  De Volder
Not available for consultancy


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