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Advanced Nanotube Application and Manufacturing Initiative (ANAM)



James Elliot is a Reader in Molecular Materials at the Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy in the University of Cambridge, with over 10 years’ experience of studying polymeric and polymer nanocomposite
. His most recent work focuses on the optimization of mechanical, electrical and thermal properties of carbon nanotube fibres, and modelling of carbon nanotube synthesis in collaboration with Q-Flo and Tortech. He was a Japan Society for Promotion of Science (JSPS) Invitation Fellow and Visiting Professor at the University of Tokyo in 2008, where he led a collaborative project on modelling processes to control of chiral angle in nanotube synthesis by floating catalyst method.


Multiscale Materials Modelling - polymer electrolytes for fuel cell and battery applications, carbon nanocomposites with enhanced mechanical, electrical and thermal properties, and biomimetic composite materials.

Pharmaceutical Materials Science - packing, flow and compaction of pharmaceutical powders for tabletting and inhalation delivery, in situ imaging of particle motion during compaction, and comparison with finite element modelling.

Reader in Molecular Materials
Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy
Dr James  Elliott
Not available for consultancy

